Macalister – Cairns 2/9 – 5/9/13

Day 1 Monday 2/9/13.  We finally left home just after 11.30.  First stop Chinchilla for fuel and a quick bite to eat.  I ended up driving for a while as Graham was getting sleepy.  He was suppose to have a nap but that didn’t happen.  We got to Rolleston at 7.30pm to camp our first night.  John & Lorna had been there a while having 3 hours + head start on us.

Day 2 Tuesday 3/9/13.  Rolleston to Belyando Rest Area.  Re-fueled at Emerald.  137.88L for 589.3KM = 4.29K/L    Argh!

Day 3 Wednesday 4/9/13.  Belyando to Einasleigh Pub.  First bit of dirt and corrugations = 1 broken latch on our new camper and 1 door open.  Lucky we didn’t get much dust in and are unsure how the door came to be open, did I not latch it properly or are the latches just not up to the job.  After the broken latch maybe they are just not up for the job.  Fuel at Charters Towers 115.51L for 478.50km = 4.14K/L.

Day 4 Thursday 5/9/13.  Einasleigh Pub to Cairns.   From Einasleigh we took the road heading towards Mt Surprise.  Jacob slept most of today while we traveled.  He has been waking up between 4-5 am for some reason and is upset until he gets outside so the whole camp has been getting up early, no one can sleep through that noise!  Drove straight through to Ravenshoe where we stopped for lunch and a quick look at the Windy Hill Wind Farm on the way out of town.  Phoned the camper trailer company and they organised a couple of replacement latches for us to pick up in Cairns.  As we came into Cairns we picked up the new latches that had been organised for the trailer and the guy at the shop said that T-locks are the way to go.  Booked into the First City Caravilla Caravan Park for 2 nights.  Started raining.  After the door had come open on the camper I’d locked all doors and water tanks on it so no more could work themselves open. Now we can’t find the keys!  Lucky we have the spare set but have decided that we will be getting more cut tomorrow.  Everyone went to bed and Graham locked the truck up so we could head to bed and realised that the keys he had grabbed out of the door pocket in the truck were the spares for the camper so he had in fact locked the truck keys in the truck.  Again we were reminded that we had discussed many times the need to carry a spare set but of course we had forgotten that when packing.  Decided that we might as well make use of our RACQ membership and call for help.  Everyone is in bed, there would be no witnesses.  The RACQ man turned up 30 minutes later and had the keys out in a couple of minutes.  So now we were getting spare camper keys tomorrow and spare truck keys.

Termite Mounds

Termite Mounds

Our Wheels

Our Wheels

The Convoy

The Convoy

Wind Generators at Windy Hill Wind Farm

Wind Generators at Windy Hill Wind Farm